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Monday, November 05, 2007

Guy Fawkes

As per family tradition, Saturday night we went up to Cornwall Park to watch the big fireworks display in the city. We took our blankets, hot chocolates and marshmallows and i'm not sure who was more excited; the kids or Leah's godfather, Morph! Fireworks were slightly disappointing this year compared to last year, but still a good night. It was not lost on me that i was wearing a t shirt in the middle of a November night....fireworks night is still associated with hats and gloves and wrapping up warm to me! This was the kids at 10pm once we managed to get home....

Friday night we went out to watch Adrian's band play at The Rising Sun on K Rd. Was really nice to go out for an evening, and we owe Sheryl big time for babysitting overnight for us! Here's me taking myself a lttle too seriously......!

This Friday we are doing our annual trip away with Sheryl and Rex and their kids, and Paddie and Daz and the twins. This year we're going for 3 nights to a place called Matheson Bay, and this is the bach we're staying in. Not far from Auckland, and just so looking forward to relaxing and enjoying time with our friends.
Anyhoo, hope you've all had an enjoyable weekend too. Lotsa love xxxx

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So glad you are blogging again Jo! have just returned from Tunisia and was very excited to catch up with all your news and photos.
take good care
Love from all the Stirlings, Chinns and Hastonsxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx