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Friday, September 29, 2006

It's a Boy!!!

I'm so pleased and exceptionally excited to welcome to the world little Finlay Jonathon Mott - I'm SOOOO happy for Laura and Jonny (and will even excuse the text message at 4am! - only kidding - ALWAYS like receiving that kind of news anytime of the day!) Oooh, i'm all squishy and smiley this morning just thinking about it :) I so wish i was there to come and have a cuddle - will have to work harder on that february trip.....

I've had a good cry and had a jump around the lounge - i'm very excited! And for once - Carey can back me up on this one - i actually predicted right that it was going to be a boy! I' m not very good at predicting as i predicted that all 3 of mine were boys, and well, clearly none of them are!

As an aside and a random piece of information, Finlay shares his birthday with Brigit Bardot and Helen Shapiro, and on this day in 1745, God Save The King was sung for the very first time. So there you go.

One alarming thing to come out of all of this was, upon telling adrian the fab news, he got very petulant and announced that it wasn't fair and why didn't we have a boy, and that maybe we should have a boy. Alarmed? Moi?! I see a few months of headaches coming on suddenly!!

LOADS of love to Laura, Jonny and Finlay - sending you all our love and millions of hugs and kisses and can't wait to see some photos.

Ooooh - i just want to squish a newborn now!!! (not, for the record, my own)

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